Thursday, January 15, 2009

Idol Recaps

Maybe I am in a sentimental mood but I would like to talk about the contestants hopes and dreams. There is always this running theme of contestants sharing their stories of hardships weather it be a single mom, a hard worker with no money at the end of the day, or even a tornado tearing down their home and having to start over in an efficiency with three kids. Yes, these stories are sad especially with all those tears and sappy songs playing in the background, and yes I am happy that they have hope and truly believe this show will change their lives forever, but come on guys!!! They have the same chances of making something out of themselves off of this show as I do playing the lotto. But you don't see cameras and hear that sappy music while I am down at the 7-11 sipping my Slurpee saying "quick pick please". Nope. It's never going to happen...although that is a good idea for a show.

We all know that Randy has his "Dawgs", Simon has his attitude, and Paula has her drunken stupors.....but I have discovered that Kara has her "chops". I believe this is going to be her word. She used it to describe anyone she enjoyed..nice chops, you have great chops..chop chop chop. I am still trying to get used to her but I just don't get it. Why a 4Th judge? I am sure the plan is to replace Paula and we are supposed to get used to the new girl, but I am just not good with change.

I want to list a few contestants that I thought had great potential. I also think it will be fun to look back and see how far they go.

1. Ashley Anderson: she sang the song 'Footprints on the sand' which was co-written by move

2. Mat Britesky (spelling unsure): the welder.

Randy voted no, but Simon had to agree with the girls!

3. Daniel J Gokey: The man whose wife passed away 4 weeks before the audition.

and a couple OK contestants were Von Smith and Lil Rounds.

I was disappointed in Randy and the girls for voting through Denis Brigham. This guy was just plain awful. He sings like he is way too familiar with his feminine side. Truly horrific. But this kid begged, and begged, and begged. Randy caved and gave him the pass. Randy my Dawg, what happened to you last had it all wrong. Were you hungry dude? Too much talk about "chops", made ya think of lamb your brain all confused?

and now for a special segment I like to call:

Simon said what?!?

It sounded like a cat jumping off the Empire State Building and
the noise it would make before it hit the floor

Last season's Jason Castro was there to support his brother Michael Castro. The kid has spunk and I like his "whatever, I just learned how to sing 20 days ago" attitude. As to which Simon replied with that lovable smile and sexy British accent, "I'm never quite sure with you Castro's whether you're really really into this or not." Great line considering Jason's mellow persona last year. Well, Michael got his Golden Ticket. Should be interesting.

And that's a rap....I mean wrap.

1 comment:

  1. I have to say again that I do not like the fourth judge. She adds nothing new and seems to be quite full of herself. As far as I'm concerned, the only judge who knows anything is Simon. I'm tired of Randy's "dawg" and Paula's inebriation.

    As far as the talent goes, I won't consider anyone until they get to Hollywood. For one thing, they haven't shown everyone who advanced and I agree with you about the tear-jerkers. It seems each episode now ends with someone either dealing with an illness or death. Enough. This is a talent contest, not Dr. Phil.

    So, when are you gonna write about Gregory House?
