Friday, January 9, 2009


Ok. So I am an addict. I can't help myself. I am drawn to television. I enjoy forgetting about my worries, the economy, President Elect Obama, and all the things that just make you want to say..."I need a break." Television makes me feel.....less lonely. Now, I know there are some of you out there that may think it is a waist of time. Perhaps it is. But it's my time. I have Tivo so I wait until the kids are tucked in their beds and then....its my time. I could have probably made a carrer out of my knowledge for all the shows, the actors etc...but unfortunatly, Joel McHale got the gig before me. My true calling. Well, at least there is this, blogging. I will give you a list of shows I enjoy to watch and if you would like to comment and ask questions or just talk about the shows....just let me know.

In no particular order:
1. Grey's Anatamy
2. Private Practice
3. House
4. Dirty Sexy Money
5. Eli Stone
6. Desperate Housewives
7. Brothers and Sisters
8. Lost
9. Rescue Me
10. Office
11. Life
12. My Own Worst Enemy
13. Days of Our Lives (it took a while for me to admit that one to myself...but I am an addict)
14. I almost has been so long....AMERICAN IDOL

I heard a rumor that some of these shows already have been canceled. I will report on those in my next blog.

This blog was simply to introduce myself to the blogging world. I hope to express more thoughts. We shall see. I may be too addicted to t.v.


  1. Welcome to the great world of blogging, Sami! I wish you all the luck in the world and will be reading you!

  2. Thanx Shayne...oh, and thank you for reminding me about American brain is full with all these shows
