Monday, May 25, 2009

You've lost that lovin feeling

I blog. So, obviously I enjoy reading other people's blogs. I even enjoy reading the comments written on such blogs. Especially, entertainment, news etc. Now, in reading these comments I possess that knowledge that some people are simply mean. Typically, I just shrug it off and say (to myself that is) "what an ass." But today I think I have seen an all time low in blog commenting. I read a very sad local news article about a 26 year old woman who tragically died on Us-1. My eyes immediately lower to the comment section and this is what I read:
women cannot drive. the makeup, the cellphone, the
entitlement issue.. get
out of the fast lane if you're gonna be going 30 mph
and thinking you're at home
on your couch talking on the phone! and don't
take it personal if someone is
flashing their high beams for you to get the
?@#$%*&# out of the way!!! its
totally frustrating. they should have a
tougher driving test for women.

Look, I am no Femi-Natzi. I could care less when men feel the need to bash women because frankly, I don't listen to half of what a typical man says anyway. However, must we be so insensitive? From one human being to another, shouldn't we feel sadness toward the loss of life. Seriously, who reads such a sad article and thinks "hey, this is the perfect opportunity for me to slam women. I am going to comment on how women drivers suck because that's probably what the readers want to hear" Listen up fella, we do not need your two useless obnoxious cents. A sad story does not warrant such remarks. mean people suck

Just because the Internet is now an outlet for our opinions, does not, and should not give anyone the right to just be mean. It's like the old wise expression goes "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." The blogisphere for some reason has upped the ante for meanness. I see these kind of comments in reference to many stories. The Octomom, Angelina and Brad, John Mayer, Jennifer Aniston...fat people, skinny people, ugly people, pretty people.....and the list goes on and on.

I get that we have freedom of speech, but why would anyone want to say something for the soul purpose of being mean to others? In this new technological society we live in I have discovered that too many people have "lost that lovin feeling" towards fellow man. I say it is time to STOP the madness!!!!!

Thank you for the opportunity to vent PEACE

give peace a chance

Saturday, May 23, 2009

What to do with a good idea?????

So I have these two amazing ideas but have know idea what to do with them. It would be at this moment of the blog where I would love to share with you my two extraordinary ideas....but alas, I can not for one day I may figure out how to make them happen...and would not want my ideas out there over the internet. BUT, I will say what they pertain to.

I came up with this idea about 2 years ago during my slot machine addiction. A perfect slogan for the Hard Rock. Perfect. Awesome. They would love it. I even tried calling them to get directed to their marketing department but the operator that answered the phone just thought I was a wacko.

An entire greeting card line. Something that I have not seen yet. I have the perfect's a money maker for them for sure....that is all I can say.

So there you go, I have a brain that is sitting on a goldmine but I have no clue how to cash in. What a waste!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Ding Dong Ditch

I blame @aplusk (Ashton Kutcher) for the Ding Dong Ditch that occured today while I was hanging at my friends house. Ahhh, life was so peaceful before Ashton wanted to hit 1 million followers on Twitter before CNN. Proclaiming the promise of a lifetime, the promise to Ding Dong Ditch Ted Turner's house. Ding Dong Ditch was a thing of the past, not a popular stunt to pull now a days. But then came Ashton and he awoke the sleeping beast that lies deep within every 12 year old boy. Tonight, while peacefully watching, well watching nothing on TV cuz the season is over.....we hear Ding Dong....and then nobody was there. Yep a fun prank just to mess with us. So thank you @aplusk, my neighborhood will never be the same again!
ashton kutcher

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Idol Recaps

Maybe I am in a sentimental mood but I would like to talk about the contestants hopes and dreams. There is always this running theme of contestants sharing their stories of hardships weather it be a single mom, a hard worker with no money at the end of the day, or even a tornado tearing down their home and having to start over in an efficiency with three kids. Yes, these stories are sad especially with all those tears and sappy songs playing in the background, and yes I am happy that they have hope and truly believe this show will change their lives forever, but come on guys!!! They have the same chances of making something out of themselves off of this show as I do playing the lotto. But you don't see cameras and hear that sappy music while I am down at the 7-11 sipping my Slurpee saying "quick pick please". Nope. It's never going to happen...although that is a good idea for a show.

We all know that Randy has his "Dawgs", Simon has his attitude, and Paula has her drunken stupors.....but I have discovered that Kara has her "chops". I believe this is going to be her word. She used it to describe anyone she enjoyed..nice chops, you have great chops..chop chop chop. I am still trying to get used to her but I just don't get it. Why a 4Th judge? I am sure the plan is to replace Paula and we are supposed to get used to the new girl, but I am just not good with change.

I want to list a few contestants that I thought had great potential. I also think it will be fun to look back and see how far they go.

1. Ashley Anderson: she sang the song 'Footprints on the sand' which was co-written by move

2. Mat Britesky (spelling unsure): the welder.

Randy voted no, but Simon had to agree with the girls!

3. Daniel J Gokey: The man whose wife passed away 4 weeks before the audition.

and a couple OK contestants were Von Smith and Lil Rounds.

I was disappointed in Randy and the girls for voting through Denis Brigham. This guy was just plain awful. He sings like he is way too familiar with his feminine side. Truly horrific. But this kid begged, and begged, and begged. Randy caved and gave him the pass. Randy my Dawg, what happened to you last had it all wrong. Were you hungry dude? Too much talk about "chops", made ya think of lamb your brain all confused?

and now for a special segment I like to call:

Simon said what?!?

It sounded like a cat jumping off the Empire State Building and
the noise it would make before it hit the floor

Last season's Jason Castro was there to support his brother Michael Castro. The kid has spunk and I like his "whatever, I just learned how to sing 20 days ago" attitude. As to which Simon replied with that lovable smile and sexy British accent, "I'm never quite sure with you Castro's whether you're really really into this or not." Great line considering Jason's mellow persona last year. Well, Michael got his Golden Ticket. Should be interesting.

And that's a rap....I mean wrap.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

American Idol 8 has finally arived

The long await is finally over! American Idol has found its way back into our lives and back on T.V. Just when we thought there was nothing on the tube these days our prayers were answered. So obviously we must talk about the new judge, Kara DioGuardi. I am going to start on a positive note. (and believe me that was a tough yet kind decision of me) I like that she has the music background to back up her judgments. She has written hundreds of songs for countless musicians. She even has a good voice, which she made it a point to share with us while judging "bikini girl." However, I feel she has no right to show off her pipes while judging others. Obviously, she has more experience, obviously she has had more training, and quite frankly, I feel she was just showing off and hording the spotlight. Clearly she was jealous of the hot skanky bimbo because Simon wasn't giving her all the attention. Get over yourself Kara, kira, kary, or whatever your name is. Furthermore, you are not Simon and you need to earn the right to be a "cold hearted snake." (did you like what I did there....that's a Paula Abdul song in case you missed the pun). There was a bubbly annoying little 16 year old who was so excited to meet her idol, Kara. This girl at 16 has written over 100 songs and really looked up to Kara. Granted her singing was dreadful and she was quite immature even for 16 but when that girl walked out of the room Kara had this to say "that's my number one fan, what does that say about me?" (i put that in quotes but that may not be the exact words...but pretty damn close). Now, we expect that attitude from Simon but I thought it was a bit harsh. This poor girl may not have known what Kara said at the time of her audition, but poor thing has to watch it on T.V. And that is who she idealizes (and probably the only fan Kara even has because come on lets face it, who ever even heard of her before yesterday) I know I am ranting but I just think that was a bit cocky for a new comber. I could go on about this chick but I guess my point has been made. She is one of those girls has the "it's all about me" syndrome.

As always, I lov
ed Simon. He just has a way about him. He has his thoughts written all over his face. He could even be mute and we would understand what he was saying... but oh, that British accent.....HOT!!!!

The rest of the show was good, entertaining. Randy and Paula were...Randy and Paula. I hope to see some cat fights though with Paula and Kara..whatever her name is.
Looking forward to more AI tonight.

Monday, January 12, 2009

And the Golden Globe goes to...........

Ok, so it was not the most exciting Golden Globes but it had its moments. First of all, Mickey Rourke? Seriously? He is alive? I thought the only movie he ever did was 91/2 weeks....and wow, that was quite a movie. But he sure looked interesting to say the least. Did ya'll catch the birdie his director gave him. I guess they can't bleep out a visual.

Let me also say that I was very disappointed that my two loves, Hugh Laurie and Denis Leary, did not win their awards. I would give them an award any day....come on over boys, get your award, I love you.
And on to Brangelina....
Ok, so they are hot but I hate them. I mean I really dislike Angelina, and so Brad, because of association, you suck. No awards for them but I am sure they will adopt another kid as a consolation prize.

Drew Barrymore...Drew, Drew, Drew. If there isn't two things our mom's teach us its wear clean underwear everyday and most importantly brush your damn hair before presenting at the Golden Globes. She looked like she just got off the back of a hog.

Well folks, I hope you enjoyed my recap. Today is Monday and I have already checked my T.V. guide schedule and there NOTHING on tonight. Hopefully my Tivo will surprise me with something good to watch.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Ok. So I am an addict. I can't help myself. I am drawn to television. I enjoy forgetting about my worries, the economy, President Elect Obama, and all the things that just make you want to say..."I need a break." Television makes me feel.....less lonely. Now, I know there are some of you out there that may think it is a waist of time. Perhaps it is. But it's my time. I have Tivo so I wait until the kids are tucked in their beds and then....its my time. I could have probably made a carrer out of my knowledge for all the shows, the actors etc...but unfortunatly, Joel McHale got the gig before me. My true calling. Well, at least there is this, blogging. I will give you a list of shows I enjoy to watch and if you would like to comment and ask questions or just talk about the shows....just let me know.

In no particular order:
1. Grey's Anatamy
2. Private Practice
3. House
4. Dirty Sexy Money
5. Eli Stone
6. Desperate Housewives
7. Brothers and Sisters
8. Lost
9. Rescue Me
10. Office
11. Life
12. My Own Worst Enemy
13. Days of Our Lives (it took a while for me to admit that one to myself...but I am an addict)
14. I almost has been so long....AMERICAN IDOL

I heard a rumor that some of these shows already have been canceled. I will report on those in my next blog.

This blog was simply to introduce myself to the blogging world. I hope to express more thoughts. We shall see. I may be too addicted to t.v.